With the effects of climate change taking its course, the concern is there about how we will survive. how do we mitigate and adapt to such a now rapid change in the climate moods? it touches every sector be it Agriculture, Mining, Forestry, and the list goes on. it brings worries to everybody who understand how serious climate change is. But my concentration is in the water resources, how do we manage our water?
IWRM is simply the short of Intergrated Water Resources Management. it is clear that there is need for the implementation and understanding of IWRM to everyone who uses water not only in the CEB area (Cuvelai-Etosha Basin) but to every individual from here to the other corner of the world, something which i believe is, every human being uses water, every living body needs water. so the well managing of water resources does not only have importance to some people but to everybody who is breathing, eating, working, respirating, circulating and so on. We now have frequent flood that have changed from somehow to considerably worse on their occurance, this is all a pictorization of climate change allready happening. how do we survive during such floods? how do we make the suffering better? how do we avoid diseases and unhealth situations in flood times? the questions will be endless, but they are all questions which will help us to have ideas how to mitigate or adapt to climate change if they are answered. On this Blog, Climate Change is viewed narrowly in a water resources, availability and managing perspective. In most cases, we suffer from flood during rainy season and still suffer from water shortage during dry season. so it is just either too much water or too little water, its all climate change. I sometimes think, how about we harvest this flood water while it abuse us and keep it so we can use it during the dry months to water our gardens and produce food during dry months as rainy season always have flood that destroy our crops and let us harvest very little if at all? well finace and capital can be a limiting factor to this... but how about we invest into it and build more dams that can collect flood water so it will be used in later months of the year? well it will still be uneasy as it will again have an effect on the environment, but it is all a matter of challenge, get challenged.
Now to get back to the topic, How do you understand IWRM? how are you willing to implement it in your area/sorrounding/village/garden/farm/house? ofcourse if you understand it then you should have the willingness to accept it and implement it, unless you are ignorant about it. how about we share Ideas and educate each others on issues related to water resources? Namibia is not only dry but regarded as the Driest in the Sub-Sahara. Drought is the main humanitarian challenge in Namibia, if you can not feel the challenge, then someone felt it on you behalf, high propably your parents. there are links if you want to find out more about IWRM and or in Cuvelai Etosha area: http://www.bmbf.wasserressourcen-management.de/en/106.php
come in, bring in your ideas, let share and educate one another.Alertnet IWRM in CEB CEB management approach GIZ-Namibia TRUTH ABOUT WATER